Elisabetta Benassi

DAY’S END, 2000-01
Video installation: stainless steel, plywood, wood, VCR, video projector, back-projection screen, two loudspeakers, UV lamp, neon, videotape Beta Video SP PAL Color Stereo Sound, 2′ 30″ (loop); cm. 230 x 170 x 470
Inside a stainless steel structure is back-projected a video filmed in the New York Empire State Building. The images show the interior of an elevator (on whose proportions is built the steel structure) going up from ground to 84th floor. The voices of the crowd blend in a choir then fading in the dazzling white of the final image. Courtesy Antonella Nicola.

BOX CITY, 1999
Installation : nylon fabric, eight elements 170 x 100 x 100 cm. each, light bulbs, electronic circuits, tape players, loudspeakers, wire.
Eight white cube-shaped nylon bags hanging from the ceiling at different levels. Inside the cubes, flashing red lights and loudspeakers playing different “urban” sounds and noises. It is a sort of virtual reconstruction of a contemporary urban landscape. Courtesy Antonella Nicola.

Antonella Nicola Gallery, Torino
Elisabetta Benassi, Day’s End
aprile-maggio 2001